Question to think about: What is the best product used for creating aircrafts, windmills, and landing gear?
Answer: Steel, there are many new ways to make steel stronger. Engineers, and scientists are always looking for new ideas to make steel stronger, and looking for ideas to make steel useful.
Questions to think about: How many switches do you need to make a photo out of light flashes? (The only language computers understand)
Answer:1.4 million switches of lights on and off to make one picture on the computer.
Question to think about: How many pounds of plastic are in an average American car?
Answer: 300 pounds is the average amount of plastic in an average American car.
Question to think about: What makes metal expand?
Answer: Heat, only on certain metals does heat make metal expand, although scientists have just discovered new metals that have a "muscle" that it uses to be able to contract into its last position when heat is applied.